Assessment of quality of life in patients with congenital, genetic and endocrine disorders after feminizing operations in the middle third of the face – A.L. Istranov, A.V. Lyubchenko, I.V. Reshetov
Recovery of neurosensory function of the maxillofacial region following orthognathic surgery –R.B. Ali, A.Yu. Drobyshev, M.N. Sharov, E.A. Melikov, V.M. Mikhaylyukov
Submandibular gland excision by retroauricular approach – S.B. Butsan, G.G. Chkhaidze, A.A. Danilenko
The use of Raman fluorescence spectroscopy in the express diagnostics of laryngeal cancer – A.B. Timurzieva, V.I. Popadyuk, V.A. Duvanskiy
Pathomorphological changes in tissues with various methods of transplantation of adipose tissue (experimental study) – S.E. Moroz, E.A. Lavrentieva, M.V. Khlystalov, S.S. Ibadullaeva, V.I. Popadyuk, I.V. Kastyro, I.B. Ganshin, A.G. Korolev, V.N. Kotov, Yu.V. Ivanova, I.D. Uvartseva, I.A. Kulikova
The role of multimodal organization of outpatient admission in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer –S.A. Parts, I.V. Reshetov, E.S. Kuzmina, A.B. Semenova, O.V. Tarakanova, V.G. Shatalov, E.R. Sabitov, S.S. Horuzhaya, M.V. Mulyarets, B.B. Vyzhigina, Ch.A. Ganina
Experimental substantiation of the use of porous permeable titanium nickelide orbital implants –E.N. Terletskaya, V.N. Khodorenko, Yu.A. Medvedev, S.G. Anikeev, P.S. Petruk, V.E. Gunther, D.V. Davydov
Analysis of complications of surgical treatment of acquired and congenital basal encephalocele in children – N.A. Chernikova, E.V. Shelesko, L.A. Satanin, U.V. Strunina, D.N. Zinkevich, A.V. Sakharov
Diagnostic capacity of magnetic resonance imaging in studying dysplastic-dependent pathology of temporomandibular joint – D.A. Domenyuk, B.N. Davydov, Е.M. Boyko, T.S. Kochkonyan, S.D. Domenyuk
Combined treatment of recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis in adults using a CO2 laser and photodynamic therapy – I.I. Nazhmudinov, I.G. Guseynov
Clinical and anatomical rationale for brainstem implantation in deafness – Kh.M. Diab, N.A. Daikhes, V.V. Belousov, O.A. Pashchinina, O.S. Panina, M. Hariri
Surgical treatment tactics for osteomas of frontal sinuses in the combined approach of maxillofacial surgeon and otorhinolaryngologist – N.A. Daikhes, A.S. Karayan, N.A. Subbotina, K.M. Shumov
Rhinogenic complications. Description of an interdisciplinary clinical case – V.E. Arevina, E.O. Andriadze, G.A. Golubovsky, A.R. Guseynov
Treatment of meningoencephalic herniation of the temporal bone using a combined access in a 17-year-old patient – I.G. Andreeva, E.R. Bariev, D.I. Abdullin
Salivary gland choristoma of the middle ear: a case report and review of the literature – G.V. Vlasova, P.V. Pavlov, A.Sh. Karimov
Experience of clinical application of customized titanium implants created with additive manufacturing methods in maxillofacial surgery – I.V. Ponomarev, A.A. Zakirova, D.S. Svyatoslavov, P.A. Karalkin, E.V. Cherevko, S.K. Alekseeva, A.A. Nebezhev, K.A. Makoveev, D.Yu. Chuvilin, V.V. Samsonov, I.V. Reshetov, Yu.S. Romanko
Continuity in the management of patients with chronic cicatricial stenosis of the larynx and trachea from childhood to adulthood – E.A. Kirasirova, N.S. Grachev, I.V. Zyabkin, S.I. Tyutina, R.F. Mamedov, O.K. Piminidi, N.V. Lafutkina
Parallel biobanking of post-COVID-19 cancer patient samples as an innovative route to multiomics screening – E.V. Petersen, D. Zorigt, D.A. Lifanov, E.Y. Shabalina, A. Khalil, A.A. Shiryaev, T.N. Pisareva, G.A. Zhemerikin, N.S. Sukortseva, P.A. Karalkin, I.V. Reshetov
Surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in children. Literature review – A.P. Fisenko, Yu.Yu. Rusetsky, E.N. Latysheva, U.S. Malyavina, M.Z. Dzhafarova, O.A. Spiranskaya
Vladimir Dmitrievich Parshin (65th birthday anniversary)
To the anniversary of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoliy Alexeevich Kulakov
In the Memory of Renat Suleimanovich Akchurin