Fedorova I.K., Kulbakin D.E., Kolegova E.S., Patysheva M.R., Denisov E.V., Polyakov A.P., Mordovsky A.V., Rebrikova I.V., Kaprin A.D., Averinskaya D.A., Romanova M.E., Shatalov P.A., Shegay P.V., Kudashkina D.S., Yakovleva L.P., Vyalov A.S., Kropotov M.A., Tsiklauri V.T., Saprina O.A., Sukortseva N.S., Samoilova S.I., Reshetov I.V., Choinzonov E.L. Treatment of young adults with oral cancer: current state and outlook (The Consortium «Etiology and pathogenesis of oral cancer in young adults»). Part 2. Head and neck. Russian Journal. 2023;11(1):74–84
The authors are responsible for the originality of the data presented and the possibility of publishing illustrative material – tables, drawings, photographs of patients.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25792/HN.2023.11.1.74-84

The review is devoted to the current state and prospects for the treatment of young adults with oral cancer. The article analyzes the possible methods of treatment for this category of patients: immunotherapy, radiation and phototherapy, hyperthermia, surgical treatment, and also discusses the prospects for antibiotic therapy and regulation of the epigenetic landscape of oral cancer in young adults.

Key words: oral cancer, young adults, therapy, immunotherapy, radiotherapy, phototherapy, hyperthermia, reconstructive plastic surgery, antibiotic therapy, epigenetic regulation

Conflicts of interest. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Funding. This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No 22-15-00308).

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