Mironov A.Yu., Sidorenko S.I., Sagatelyan M.O., Chuckalova Zh.A., Gruzinova A.D., Yazeva N.A., Negoda P.M., Selivanov А.А., Efimova V.I., Pryanikov P.D. Supraglotoplasty using cold plasma method
as a method of surgical treatment of congenital laryngomalacia. Head and neck.Russian magazine = Head and neck. Russian Journal. 2022;10(1):46–50

Laryngomalacia is the most common anomaly of laryngeal evolution. At the moment, the classical method of surgical treatment using standard surgical instruments is mainly used. The method of cold plasma ablation has proven itself well in surgery, including operations on the lymphopharyngeal ring. However, in Russia it is not used  for the treatment of children with congenital laryngomalacia.

Key words: laryngomalacia, endoscopic diagnostic (endoscopy) of the larynx, supraglotoplasty, coblation, cold plasma

Conflict of interest. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Funding. There was no funding for this study.

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