Zubareva A.A., Karpishchenko S.A., Yaremenko A.I., Bolozneva E.V., Sopko O.N., Shavgulidze M.A. Otitis media with effusion and persistent Eustachian tube dysfunction in a patient with an infratemporal fossa tumor. Head and neck. Russian Journal. 2023;11(4):39–45

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25792/HN.2023.11.4.39-45


Objective: the main aim of this work was to analyze the algorithm of physical and instrumental examination and the surgical treatment of a patient with a combined disorder – otitis media with effusion and persistent dysfunction of the Eustachian tube.

Material and methods. The article presents an algorithm for the examination and treatment of a patient with an infratemporal fossa tumor. The patient underwent contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the maxillofacial area to determine the borders of the tumor and its relationship with surrounding structures, to identify the risks of intra- and postoperative complications, and to establish a sequence of surgical treatment steps. An objective assessment of the auditory function and the middle ear structures was made, and a stage of otorhinolaryngological surgical treatment was performed.

Results. As a result of adequate training and well-coordinated work of all the specialists, the removal of large-sized infratemporal fossa tumor was carried out successfully. The second stage included tympanic membrane shunting to restore aeration of the middle ear cavities and prevent the development of purulent and inflammatory changes. As a result of surgical treatment, the patient noted a significant reduction in the complaints that arose during her hospitalization in terms of both auditory function and the tumor mass presence.

Conclusion. A patient with an infratemporal fossa tumor, otitis media with effusion, and persistent dysfunction of the Eustachian tube underwent radical surgical treatment to remove the tumor and bypass the tympanic cavity. A multidisciplinary approach, complete instrumental follow-up, and timely surgical treatment all contributed to the positive clinical outcome.

Key words: infratemporal fossa tumor, otitis media with effusion, Eustachian tube dysfunction, tympanic membrane shunting

Conflicts of interest. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

Funding. There was no funding for this study

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