Для цитирования: Свиридов Е.Г., Дробышев А.Ю., Омарова П.Н., Хабибуллина А.А. Обоснование проведения гениопластики как этапа ортогнатической операции у пациентов со скелетными аномалиями и деформациями челюстей. Голова и шея Head and neck Russian Journal. 2019;7(1):59–68

Doi: 10.25792/HN.2019.7.1.59–68

Objectives: to prove the rationale for genioplasty as a stage of orthognathic surgery.
Material and methods: 1332 case histories of patients with skeletal abnormalities and deformities of the jaws who underwent treatment in the Department of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery of the MSUMD were analyzed. Of these, 308 patients had orthognathic surgery: osteotomy of the maxilla by Le Fort I, intercortical osteotomy of the mandible with orthognathic correlation, and chin osteotomy. The study group included 80 patients whose photographs in the profile were selected for photometric analysis. The number of males with skeleton grade II was 21, with skeleton grade III – 8. The number of females with skeleton grade II was 24, and with skeleton grade III – 27. To assess the effectiveness of genioplasty, such parameters as mento-labial angle, chin-neck angle, the angle of the convexity of the face according to G.A. Arnett and R.T. Bergman, face angle, profile angle T according to Schwarz, distance from lips to line B along C.J. Burston and to the aesthetic E-line R.M. Ricketts were chosen. An assessment of the anthropometric changes in the patients’ faces was made 6 months after the surgical phase of the combined treatment.

Results. According to the anthropometric survey, there was a statistically significant difference in 8 parameters in female patients with skeleton class II before and after surgery; there was also a statistically significant difference in 5 parameters before and after surgery in females with skeleton class III. For males with Skeleton Class II, there was a statistically significant difference in 8 parameters before and after surgery, as well as for males with Skeleton Class III – in 4 parameters, also statistically significant. The key anthropometric parameters, which changes are associated with the chin movement, have reached normal values after the surgical step of the combined treatment. Conclusion: Osteotomy of maxilla according to Le Fort I, intercortical mandibular osteotomy with orthognathic correlation in combination with osteotomy of the chin in patients with skeletal classes II and III allows achieving the most predictable aesthetic result. Complex treatment leads to normalization of key morphometric parameters. Key words: chin osteotomy, genioplasty, mentoplasty, orthognathic operation, anthropometric analysis, chin plasty

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Source of financing: not specified.

For citation: Sviridov E.G., Drobyshev A.Yu., Omarova P.N., Khabibullina A.A. Rationale for genioplasty as a stage of orthognatic surgery in patients with skeletal anomalies and jaw deformations. Head and neck = Head and neck. Russian Journal. 2019;7(1):59–68 (in Russian).
The authors are responsible for the originality of the data presented and the possibility of publishing illustrative material – tables, figures, photographs of patients.

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