Для цитирования: Шайхалиев А.И., Петрук П.С., Аразашвили Л.Д., Поляков К.А., Черкесов И.В., Колобовникова А.И. Новые подходы в лечении базалиомы. Клинический случай. Голова и шея Head and neck Russian Journal. 2018;6(2):45–49

Doi: 10.25792/HN.2018.6.2.45–49

Basal cell carcinoma of the skin appears to be the most frequent neoplasia. The outcome of the disease largely depends on the clinical course and the morphological type of tumor. The use of tissue expanders is a fairly simple and minimally invasive method, providing a gradual stretching of the skin flap, in order to close the defect that is a result of tumor removal. In this article, we describe the reconstructive stages of treatment in a patient with a basal cell carcinoma in the frontotemporal region.
Key words: basal cell carcinoma of the skin, maxillofacial surgery, reconstructive surgery, expander.

Authors declare no conflict of interests for this article.

Source of financing. Unspecified.
For citations: Shaikhaliev A.I., Petruk P.S., Arazashvili L.D., Polyakov K.A., Cherkesov I.V., Kolobovnikova A.I. New approaches in basal cell carcinoma treatment. Case report. Golova I Sheya = Head and neck. Russian Journal. 2018;6(2):45–49 (in Russian).
The authors are responsible for the originality of the presented data and the possibility of publishing illustrative material – tables, drawings, photographs of patients.

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