Для цитирования: Решетов И.В., Петросян К.А. Нестандартная ситуация в пластической хирургии, обусловленная гигантской ринофимой носа. Голова и шея — Head and neck. Russian Journal. 2019;7(1):24–28

Doi: 10.25792/HN.2019.7.1.24–28

The most common cause of the enlargement and disfigurement of the external nose leading to a remarkable cosmetic defect and to a non-standard clinical situation (including repeated operations) is rhinophyma. A clinical case of a patient with a giant rhinophyma who underwent surgical treatment is described in the article. Operation resulted in a closure of the defect (according to Mohs) using a non-standard paramedian transpositional frontal skin-fascial flap. This clinical observation is an illustrative example of classical and non-standard methods and techniques of plastic surgery used for the treatment of patients with large skin and soft tissue defects on the face and the restoration of all the important internal and external nose functions.

Keywords: giant rhinophyma, non-standard clinical situation, rotational skin and fascial frontal flap, nose reconstruction The authors declare no conflict of interest. Source of financing: not specified.

For citation: Reshetov I.V., Petrosyan K.A. Nonstandard situation in plastic surgery in case of giant nose rhinophyma. Head and neck Russian Journal. 2019;7(1):24–28 (in Russian).

The authors are responsible for the originality of the data presented and the possibility of publishing illustrative material – tables, figures, photographs of patients.

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