Pashkov A.V., Naumova I.V., Pashkova A.E., Voevodina K.I. Analyzing anatomical parameters of the cochlea to improve the effectiveness of cochlear implantation. Head and neck. Russian Journal. 2023;11(3):56–60


Current review considered the possibilities of using the computed tomography (CT) data after cochlear implantation (CI) in patients with sensorineural hearing loss. The potential for analyzing CT scan data with respect to electrode array location estimation is discissed. The described studies provide additional opportunities for programming the processor of the CI system, which improves the quality of the rehabilitation process in patients.
Key words: sensorineural hearing loss, deafness, cochlear implantation, computed tomography, processor fitting, auditory-speech rehabilitation
Conflicts of interest. The author have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Funding. There was no funding for this study

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