Histological and morphometric specifics of the jaw alveolar process bone tissue in individuals with connective tissue dysplasia sympto ms – D.A. Domenyuk, T.S. Kochkonyan, S.Z. Chukov, A.V. Balabekov, A.A. Dolgalev, S.D. Domenyuk

Personalized approach to diagnosing periodontitis in patients with reduced bone mineral density during menopause – L.Yu. Ostrovskaya, A.I. Khanina, A.V. Lysov, L.V. Arinina, E.N. Sitnikova, D.A. Domenyuk, T.S. Kochkonyan, O.O. Ivanyuta

Changes in the structure of the sodium-potassium pump in different parts of the rat brain after administration of the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine neurotoxin – A.G. Korolev, N.M. Kiseleva, A.N. Inozemtsev

Assessing the accuracy of postoperative results of virtual planning of the surgical stage in the combined treatment of patients with gnathic forms of malocclusion – S.A. Kolchin, A.Yu. Drobyshev, K.A. Kurakin, T.M. Dibirov, A.A. Miterev

Speech diagnostics as an objective criterion for the effectiveness of speech restoration in patients with oropharyngeal cancer – E.A. Krasavina, E.L. Choinzonov, D.E. Kulbakin, L.N. Balatskaya

Clinical and morphologic classification of squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity and oropharynx based on phenotypic and genotypic predictors – S.I. Samoylova, N.S. Sukortseva, O.V. Samoylova, T.A. Demura, I.V. Reshetov, M.I. Didenko

“Bad” splits of mandible during orthognathic surgery. Experience of clinic of esthetic surgery – V.V. Gorban, A.R. Andreishchev, E.S. Karpishchenko, S.S. Shestakov, G.V. Godin, E.G. Kremez

Simultaneous open rhinoplasty and upper lip lift (bullhorn) as part of the facial feminization surgery – A.L. Istranov, A.V. Lyubchenko, Ju.I. Isakova, S.V. Starostina

Assessment of the risk of thyroid cancer recurrence using circulating microRNAs — A.B. Alnikin, M.A. Engibaryan, A.Yu. Maksimov, A.A. Demidova, N.N. Timoshkina, A.A. Rogachev

Relationship between speech intelligibility, maximum comfort levels, and evoked compound action potential thresholds in patients with cochlear implants – A.V. Pashkov, I.V. Naumova, A.E. Pashkova, K.I. Voevodina, V.I. Popadyuk

About tracheostomy for tracheal scar cicatricial stenosis – V.D. Parshin, M.A. Rusakov, A.V. Parshin, P.D. Pryanikov,V.V. Parshin, M.A. Ursov, A.V. Mariyko


Implementation of the principles of oncological alertness in the treatment of patients with pathological processes of the oral mucosa – I.V. Reshetov, V.N. Nikolenko, E.V. Kochurova, E.V. Izhnina, O.I. Panferova, A.V. Zotov

Amaurosis fugax due to internal carotid artery dissection during carotid chemodectoma resection – A.D. Akhmedov, V.A. Lukshin, A.V. Shmigelsky, A.A. Kurbasov, D.Yu Usachev

Expect the unexpected – Rahul Rathi, Priti Rathi

Surgical treatment of bilateral carotid paraganglioma – V.A. Lukyanchikov, T.A. Shatokhin, D.N. Reshetov, F.A. Larkin, Z.A. Kulov, R.N. Fedotov, A.L. Karagozyan, V.V. Krylov


The use of sonography in the radiation diagnostics of peritonsillar abscesses – Yu.Yu. Rusetsky, A.P. Miroshnichenko, V.A. Elovikov, V.A. Cherenkova

Sinonasal carcinoma (literature review and case report) – D.S. Spirin, V.A. Cherekaev, I.V. Chernov, M.V. Nersesyan, M.N. Tlisova, V.I. Popadyuk, D.S. Svyatoslavov, I.V. Reshetov


In the 60th anniversary of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Vladimirovich Reshetov


