For citation:
Gribova O.V., Novikov V.A., Choynzonov E.L., Startseva ZH.A. Prognostic factors and current approaches to the treatment of salivary glands malignancies. Head and neck Russian Journal. 2018;6(4):58–64 (in Russian).
Malignant neoplasms of the salivary glands is a rare type of head and neck tumors and a rather heterogeneous group of neoplasms that are difficult to study. They have many common characteristics, but also differ depending on localization and histological type. Thus, the 5-year overall survival of patients can vary from 20% for ductal carcinoma of the salivary glands to 100% for well differentiated mucoepidermoid cancer. The article describes the main prognostic factors and features for the salivary glands neoplasms of various origins, as well as the current approaches to the treatment of salivary gland carcinomas. Surgery followed by radiotherapy is a standard of care for primary salivary gland malignancies. Hadron radiation therapy may be a treatment option for inoperable recurrent tumors. Researches and development of the new chemotherapy regimens and targeted drugs use for the treatment of patients with locally advanced and metastatic salivary glands cancer are ongoing.
Key words: salivary gland malignancies, prognostic factors, combined treatment, radiation therapy, chemotherapy
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Source of financing: not specified.
For citation: Gribova O.V., Novikov V.A., Choynzonov E.L., Startseva ZH.A. Prognostic factors and current approaches to the treatment of salivary glands malignancies. Head and neck Russian Journal. 2018;6(4):58–64 (in Russian).
The authors are responsible for the originality of the data presented and the possibility of publishing illustrative material – tables, figures, photographs of patients.