TIRADS system and compression elastography application in differential diagnostics of thyroid nodules –
V.G. Scherbina, L.A. Mitina, I.V. Reshetov, A.KH. Khudieva, E.V. Kolesnikova


3-dimensional modelling of facial scull radiological image in reconstructive surgery of facial deformities –
M.A. Khassan, A.A. Khovrin, P.N. Mitroshenkov, O.I. Kantemirov, A.E. Scherbovskikh

Endoprosthesis of lower orbital wall – YU.A. Medvedev, L.S. Shamanayeva, S.V. Shamanayev, K.A. Polyakov, P.S. Petruk

Сytomegalovirus chorioretinitis in a patient after allogenic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells –
B.S. Pershin, L.N. Shelikhova, A.B. Smirnova, A.A. Maschan, V.YU. Makhmutov, G.V. Pai, S.L. Blagov

Sarcoma Caposhi of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in patient without HIV infection – A.N. Nasedkin, V.N. Selin, N.S. Grachev, P.D. Pryanikov

Treatment of a child with facial bite wounds after attack of alaskan malamute: clinical case –
D.YU. Komelyagin, A.V. Dergachenko, O.Z. Topol’nitzkij, S.A. Dubin, A.V. Petukhov, F.I. Vladimirov, AN.V. Dergachenko, E.V. Striga, V.G. Slipenko, S.V. Yamatina

Elimination of jaw narrowing via compression-distraction osteosynthesis – D.YU. Komelyagin,
AN.V. Dergachenko, O.Z. Topolnitzky, A.B. Slabkovskaya, S.A. Dubin, F.I. Vladimirov, A.V. Petukhov, A.V. Dergachenko, E.V. Striga, V.G. Slipenko, L.A. Krasheninnikov, S.V. Yamatina, A.V. Pasechnikov, KH.YA. Vafina, I.A. Strogonov

Posttraumatic defect and bite wounds facial deformations replacement in children – A.V. Chereda


Combined traumas of the middle zone of facial scull. Part I – YU.A. Medvedev, P.S. Petruk

The rationale for platelet enriched plasma use in reconstructive plastic surgery of orbit – I.V. Reshetov, O.I. Kit, M.A. Engibaryan, E.I. Triandafilidi, O.V. Bykadorova, E.F. Islamova, M.A. Cherkes
