For citation: Rekhviashvili M.G., Denis A.G., Kuznecova J.A., Tomina V.O., Taranova J.A., Polujektov D.S., Bazina I.G., Shalatonin M.P., Karazhova J.F., Starodubova A.A., Abushkin I.A. Нейробластома шеи у младенца, симулирующаягемангиому и мышечную кривошею. Golova i sheya. Rossijskij zhurnal Head and neck Russian Journal. 2019;7(3):41–46 (in Russian).

Doi: 10.25792/HN.2019.7.3.41–46

Recently, an increase in malignancies’s incidence had been detected, including malignant head and neck tumors in children, which are often congenital and difficult for diagnostics. Neuroblastoma is an embryonic malignant tumor originating from sympathogonia — immature precursors of the sympathetic nervous system. Neuroblastoma takes the 4th place among the other malignancies in children, with 1–2% of them localized in the head and neck region. Initially, the symptoms of neuroblastoma do not have specificity and can imitate various pediatric diseases; this often makes the diagnostics difficult. The article presents a clinical case of neuroblastoma in a newborn child localized on the neck. Diagnostic examination, surgical treatment followed by histopathological verification of the tumor were carried out; the healing went primarily without complications.

Key words: neuroblastoma, perinatal diagnosis, ultrasound, computed tomography, immunohistochemical analysis

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Source of financing: not specified.

For citation: Rekhviashvili M.G., Denis A.G., Kuznecova J.A., Tomina V.O., Taranova J.A., Polujektov D.S., Bazina I.G., Shalatonin M.P., Karazhova J.F., Starodubova A.A., Abushkin I.A. Нейробластома шеи у младенца, симулирующаягемангиому и мышечную кривошею. Golova i sheya. Rossijskij zhurnal Head and neck Russian Journal. 2019;7(3):41–46 (in Russian).

The authors are responsible for the originality of the data presented and the possibility of pub-lishing illustrative material – tables, figures, photographs of patients.


最近,已经发现恶性肿瘤的发病率有所上升,包括儿童恶性的头颈部肿瘤,这些恶性肿瘤通常是先天性的,难以 诊断。 神经母细胞瘤是一种起源于交感神经-交感神经系统的不成熟前体的胚胎恶性肿瘤。 在儿童的其他恶性肿 瘤中,神经母细胞瘤排名第四,其中1-2%位于头颈部区域。 最初,神经母细胞瘤的症状没有特异性,可以模仿 各种儿科疾病。 这通常使诊断变得困难。这篇文章介绍了一个位于颈部的新生儿神经母细胞瘤的临床病例。 进 行诊断检查,手术治疗,然后对肿瘤进行组织病理学证实; 愈合基本上没有    并发症。





引用:Rekhviashvili M.G., Denis A.G., Kuznecova J.A., Tomina V.O., Taranova J.A., Polujektov D.S., Bazina I.G., Shalatonin M.P., Karazhova J.F., Starodubova A.A., Abushkin I.A. Нейробластома шеи у младенца, симулирующая гемангиому и мышечную кривошею. Golova i sheya. Rossijskij zhurnal = Head and neck. Russian Journal. 2019;7(3):41–46 (in Russian).


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